Finding Myself In Love With All That Is

I have been reflecting on two profound statements lately- “It is what it is”, and “It’s All Good.”

When people state these two little statements they may not know the magnitude of the words that they release from the walls of their mouths, but I do.  I hear those words and I hear the deep realization that All is happening the way it is supposed to happen.  I hear that there is only good, so no evil can exist in my reality.  I hear that every tiny piece of who I am and how I am made is perfect; made for specific purpose and plan.  I hear that there are no accidents (Master Oogway would agree with me).

These simple colloquial statements hold an ocean of meaning and at the same time mean nothing at all.

I have two boys who love the movie Kung Fu Panda for its witty lines and supernatural fight scenes.  I love it for its wisdom.  I have watched this movie at least 50 times, and each time I see something new.  I see that the villain would not have escaped if the bird would not have flown to the prison in fear to check the prisoners status, only to drop a feather that Tai Lung uses to make his great prison break out.  I see that Po the panda has only to find his own reflection to see that he has power within… that he is the one who provides the magic on his own.

And this is how I see life.  I see that when judgments are released All beings work together for the good of All.  I see so much.  And it is All Good!  I fell in Love with the whole world a long time ago.  I have always loved nature.  I can’t remember a time when I didn’t love all types of people.  I adore seeing the color of my love’s skin when he comes in from mowing the lawn… He is chocolatey mocha brown like a dark roast coffee with just a touch of cream.  I love to wander through my neighborhood noticing the beauty of a dewdrop on a blade of grass; the light reflecting off the water, the heron standing in the pond sunning her feathers, the baby alligator crossing the road, the middle-school aged Sand Hill Cranes following their parents; feathers ruffling in the wind as they stand regal and graceful right in the middle of the road- stopping the busy humans on their way to wherever!  I have loved it all.

When I was 3 or 4 years old, my mom planted a bunch of flowers and colored plants outside our house.  Apparently I found them to be so beautiful that I picked each flower, and each colored leaf, and brought them in to my mom.  I don’t actually recall doing that, but she tells me about it, and I can see myself doing it.  I have always loved all that is beautiful.

Today I have a new challenge.  Today my challenge is to see All that Is and Love it.  I thought about the things that gross me out or frighten me.  I thought about the things I think are deemed “ugly” and “wrong”.  Could I find the beauty that lies there, could I find the love for them?  The first thing that came to mind was a roach.  I live in Florida and we have large cockroaches here.  Some people call them Palmetto bugs- I think they are one in the same.  When I thought of one in my mind I felt sick to my stomach.  I cringed and shivered.  My next thought was- “What makes a cockroach gross???”  I couldn’t come up with an answer.  Then I thought of a ladybug which I find so cute!  I love when they land on me; I even consider them a symbol of good fortune, and I smiled.  “What makes me see the roach and the ladybug as different; one better than the other???”  Nothing but my beliefs, my thoughts, what I was taught, what I grew up hearing.  That’s it.  So when I looked again at the cockroach in my mind I saw the beauty of an amazing creature with a shiny hard shell to protect a delicate body… Amazing! Or what about a mosquito?  How crazy awesome is it that they are created with a built-in syringe!

Then I thought of concepts deemed bigger; things I have described as ugly, wrong, horrific.  I thought of war and destruction.  I thought of abuse.  I thought of being lied to.  I thought of betrayal. I felt heavy and sad for a moment and then I took another look.  I can only speak for my own perspective, but I thought about what strength and creativity and peace I have discovered in my struggles and challenges of life.  I thought of the people who came around me to support me when I have been in need.  I thought of the compassion I have witnessed in the midst of devastation and crisis.  I saw it all as the BIG PICTURE.  Without the bad, would we see the good?  I don’t know.

What I do know is this- What is, truly is what is.  I see people acting out of what they believe about themselves and others.  When in pain we create pain.  When in love we create love.  And somehow underneath it all is Love.  I don’t know how I know this.  It just is what is.  It is All Good and it is All Love.

When I find more and more love for myself; I find more and more love for others.  Right now as I write this I am completely filled up with Love and all that I can see is the love in everything and everyone.  Out of this amazing love I know I will begin to be the change that I used to just want other people to be.  I used to want other people to find their peace and their joy and then all would be well.  In this moment I just want people to be whatever they are being.

My oldest son procrastinates his virtual school homework, and I am delayed for a beach day I really want to have… It is perfect, who knows what magical blessings this delay holds.  I order unhealthy fried food from the Cuban restaurant downstairs for my boys as a treat for breakfast, and I learn the name and the thoughts of the beautiful cashier behind the counter.  She is confused about the yoga teacher who buys fried food.  I get to speak about moderation and blessing all we eat because it is all sacred.  I start writing to kill some time and I am amazed at the Love that surges while I pour out my heart.  This life is beautiful, with all its delays; with all its tragedy; with all its misuse.  It is what it is and it is All Good.

Just for this moment I see All that Is.  The Big Picture clicks into place and It is All Good.  Just for this moment I am completely and totally in love with everything I have done and all I thought others did to me.  Just for this moment I see people’s crazy expressions of Love from the angle of desperation trying to find themselves.  Just for this moment.. And this one.. And this one.. And the next.  Just for today I find myself in Love with All that is Good- and it All Is.