“F” is for Feathers

Today I am grateful for feathers. Feathers- light and airy, yet filled with the substance of angel wings…

The funny thing about feathers is that they always show up in oddest places, at least that is the way it is for me and my little family.  In our family, feathers are considered a Divine message.  They come to us in all shapes, sizes and colors.  We find them caught on leaves rustling in the wind.  We find them trampled and wet buried in snow.  We find them floating onto our balcony from the trees above.  We find them in our bedrooms where there is no feather pillows or down comforters.  We find them in fields.  We find them on sidewalks.  We find them in parking lots surprisingly unmarred by the passing vehicles.  We find them as we walk out of the grocery.  We find them floating to our fingertips as if just let go by the angels above.  I have even found one in my wallet when I thought for sure I had taken all of them out.  We truly find them  anywhere and everywhere, but we don’t always find them when we are looking.

However, we do find them when we are searching.  We find them when we are searching for answers to hard questions.  We find them when we need to know a direction to take.  We find them when we need a sign from above that we are on  the correct track.  We find them when we are seeking comfort after a hard day (or morning as it is sometimes).  We find them when we need to know we are safe and protected.  We find them when we are seeking healing and help.  We find them when we need to know that peace exists in this place.  We find them when we can’t find the thing that we are looking for.

So today I am grateful for feathers in all of their forms.