You’re Either Doing It- Or You’re Not.

I was recently asked the meaning of the phrase “trying is lying”.  I must say, while I had heard this phrase, I had never really stopped to examine it for any meaning or relevancy to life.  I had put it up on a shelf of sayings I have heard in various stages of my life.  None of which come to mind at this point either.  Hmmmmm….

So I paused for some inner guidance and I came up with this:  “There is no ‘trying’.  You are either doing it or you’re not.”  There is no real validity to “I am trying to change my life”, or “I am trying to stop worrying”, or “I am trying to be a better__________(you fill in the blank).  You are either doing it….Or you are not.

I realize as I write this little post that this is a bit more direct than my usual posts.  I tend to enjoy beating around the proverbial bush; hinting, alluding, and generally insinuating things at times.  For some reason though, this evening I sensed the direct approach was the one to go with on this topic.  Because truly, either I am sharing a Truth with you, or I am not.  There is no half-way to Truth.  I can’t try to impart the wisdom I have gathered.  I either do it, or I don’t.

So with all of that in mind, this post will wrap up as direct and as simply as I can make it tonight.  Are you in or are you out?  Are you here or are you there?  Are you making change or are you not?  Are you showing kindness or are you not?  Are you respecting others or are you not?  Are you encouraging your fellow human, or are you not?  Are you awake or are you not?  Either which way is perfectly correct for you at this moment, just don’t try to convince yourself that there is an in-between.

Instead, accept where you are, and step forward when the next step suits you.

Peace, love and perfect circle pancakes to you!