Unexpected Love

You know there are times in your life where you just don’t expect Love to come in.  There are just those times.

I think that those are the times when unconditional love hits us most.  I think those are the times when we just let go and say OK God, do what you will because I have done all I can and it just didn’t work our the way I planned.

So today I realized something magnitudinal (not an actual word according to spell-check, but hey-go with it!).  What I realized is that unconditional love can come from anywhere.  It can come from your family, your children, your colleagues, your family, your admirers, your significant other, your friends, your who-knows-who.

I have found that humans are not equipped to provide everything we “need” from life, but sometimes they are the vehicles to show us Divine Love.

I hope that today you are able to find the flesh and blood representations of Unconditional Love in your life today.

Look close, they are there.