Category: Uncategorized

Angel at the Ball Field

You know I am finally learning that I don’t always have to use my literal voice, and that sometimes it is actually amazingly counter-productive. I was given that beautiful lesson when I made a decision to just show up and be present in peace, love and joy…………You know, sometimes a stranger can say things where people listen with their souls.

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Thoughts on Love

So What Is Love Really???

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Perceptions of Peace

I used to believe that peace was a lower case word… And at that moment I began to understand the difference between …sleep in Heavenly peace, and Bringing a family to Peace. Here is the difference. Peace does not have a little p…

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Some People Can’t Handle Happy???!!!

I said to my inner self, “What??!! Who doesn’t want to be happy???” Of course, my friend read my mind; I should mention she is an intuitive….

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You are…

You are ethereal, you are grounded, you are detached, you are connected.
You are magic, and the magician, you are the pixie dust and the fairy.
You are the answer and the solution. You are made exactly as one should be.

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Life was not funny today.

My life was not funny today. I try to take the lighter side of life as much as possible. I truly attempt to see the silver lining in every situation- and I always succeed. Even today I can see that all is working out for my highest and best good.

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“H” is for Hmmmmm

Today I am thankful for happenings, happenchance, happy barking, hallelujahs,…..

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Windows for My Soul, and Doors for My Spirit

Today I realized that the beliefs I have had about myself in life have blocked my soul to see out and grasp hold of the beautiful landscape that could Be… I wait with bated breath to see what wonders lie ahead, but then I catch myself and draw back from the future ventures, and remember to just sit in my soul and enjoy the moment and the view that is here, in the here and now.

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Morning Meditation Gone Mad…

Truly I envisioned myself waking gently to the sound of my carefully selected alarm, lighting my candles and reflecting on my dreams and visions from the night before. I did not however envision myself fielding an argument about who’s turn it is to pick the incense stick, who gets to blow out which candle at the end, and retorts about who’s dream is most inventive.

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The TV Has Been Quilted!!!

So we lived without TV for approximately 5 months in my home…I was kind of missing my late night Peggle playing and the occasional House Hunters International marathon that I like to play in the background while painting- I pretend I am moving to a foreign country…So, today I Quilted the TV. Which means I actually put my great-grandmother Annie Samanthee’s quilt over the entire TV.

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