E is for Everything

This evening I am grateful beyond enormous measure for Everything.  Every little intricate detail in our beautiful Earth.

I am thankful for the evening sunset that lights our sky.  I am thankful for the effervescent giggle of my children when something silly catches their eye.  I am thankful for the envelope that sends a message my way.

I am thankful for eruptions of emotions that sometimes cloud my mind.  For these are the eruptions that clear space for the eventual peace of a evenflow day.

I am thankful for elephants in the room that are evicted.  I am thankful for the ethers that swirl with the energy of life.

I am thankful for the education that sustains me this day.  I am thankful for the eggs I eat every single morning.  I am thankful for the earrings that I wear- passed down through the hands of everlastingly strong women.

I am thankful for everlasting love and everloving people.  I am thankful for everyone who blesses my path, without judging their pass as good or bad.

I am thankful for my chance to exist in this everyday life.  I am thankful for simply Everything, for each bit of the Everything has its purpose and meaning in this Everyday Life.