What’s Your Story Morning Glory?

We all have our stories.  A simple statement, but so true.  We all have our stories.

I have meditated on how our stories define us, trap us, burden us, affect us, or even transform us.  I was driving along yesterday thinking of a story that I used to tell, and this line popped into my mind- “What’s your story morning glory?”  I can’t remember right now where it comes from, a song of some kind or another.  It seems to be a line from my youth, which is fitting, because most of our stories come from our past.  They become ingrained in our minds like engravings on our brains.  So often we tell our stories to others to be heard, to explain ourselves, to entertain, to self-depracate, to find justification for who we are or who we have been.

So what would happen if you let go of your story? What would happen if you started each day without a story; without a past that held you to a certain way of being?  What if you just said one morning, “I don’t want that story anymore glory!”.

Well, I must say I did this as an experiment, I started letting go of my stories- the ones that I was using to define myself, trap myself, burden myself, and even transform myself, and instead I got a new one.  Not a false story, but a new one.  A new way to look at my past.  A new song to sing to laud my Creator.  A new way to perceive the “teachers” in my life.  A new way to tell people who I am and what I do.  I must say, it was hard in the beginning.  I found that I had invested a lot of energy into my stories, and I had roped more than a few people into them as well!  I caught myself lamenting my woes, or making fun of my trauma at times to entertain, to explain, to justify who I was and what I had become.

But then I stopped, (or if I didn’t I rectified it as best as possible later).

And the result has been this- I have a new perspective on not just my life, but ALL life, life in general.  I have JOY.  I have PEACE.  I have NEUTRALITY.  I have A NEW WAY OF BEING.

Soooooo, What is your story morning glory?