You are…

You are light, you are love, you are breath, you are blood.

You are air, you are earth, you are sky, you are dirt.

You are fire, you are wood, you are sparks, you are the ignition.

You are ethereal, you are grounded, you are detached, you are connected.

You are magic, and the magician, you are the pixie dust and the fairy.

You are the atom and the element, you are the minute and the whole picture.

You are blessed and the blessing, you are thankful and the thanked.

You are yin and the yang, you are balance by any name.

You are peace and presence, you are joy and happy days.

You are the seeker and the sought, you are perfect as you are.

You are just right and you are holy.  You are Divine, you are spirit filled.

You are angel whispers and children’s kisses.  You are innocence and wisdom.

You are complex and yet so simple.  You are life and you are existence.

You are bright and you are bold.  You are strong and you are liquid.

You are Now and you are Now.  You are moment to moment a new creation.

You are effervescent.  You are vapor.  You are fortitude, yet with flexibility.

You are the voice of a new generation within the context of the same one.

You are the answer and the solution.  You are made exactly as one should be.

You are one entity and you are One.  You are the threads of a weaving the spans the ages.

You are created and the creator.  You are the power of a limitless Being.

You are the talent and the gift.  You are the learned skill and the Divine inspiration.

You are water and you are flow.  You are abundance from the physical to the soul.

You are expansion and the pin point of a beginning.  You are the night sky and the star light with in it.

You are loved and you are loving.  You are the comforted and the nurturing,

You are the ears to a voiceless existence.  You are the voice to the unheard.

You are the edge and you are the mountaintop.  You are the valley and the echo throughout it.

You are the shower that waters a dry land.  You are the new shoot of a grain that is needed.

You are the manna and the collector.  You are the sight to the blind nations.

You are change and the consistent one.  You are the blending of peace and power to morph into serenity.

You are….

You are….

You are…

You are light and you are love.